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June 13th, 2024 • London, UK

Carbonfuture Carbon Removal Summit 2024

In partnership with

An exclusive half-day event focused on the critical role of carbon removal in corporate sustainability strategies.

Panel discussions and keynotes featured industry leaders in the carbon removal space sharing recent advancements in carbon removal and strategies for incorporating carbon removal into corporate sustainability strategies.

Key Resources


The 2024 Buyer's Guide to Carbon Removal Policy

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White paper

Carbon Dioxide Removal: Best Practice Guidelines by The World Economic Forum

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Why Carbonfuture, Why Now

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Carbon Removals: How to Scale a New Gigaton Industry by McKinsey

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World Economic Forum: Why Transparency Is Key to Scaling Carbon Removal

Read now

Companies that attended the Summit:

And many more


Thought leaders in the carbon removal space shared the latest CDR industry insights.


Hannes Junginger-Gestrich

CEO & Co-Founder, Carbonfuture

Leila Toplic

Chief Communications 
& Trust Officer, Carbonfuture

Dominic Lüdin

Chief Growth Officer, Carbonfuture

Sebastian Manhart

Senior Policy Advisor, Carbonfuture


Featuring innovative carbon removal solutions and pathways for investing in carbon removal today.

8:15 AM

Check-in & Networking Breakfast

9:00 AM

Opening Remarks

Hannes Junginger

CEO & Co-Founder, Carbonfuture

9:10 AM

CDR is Key to Reaching Net-Zero and a Trillion-Dollar Potential

Emma Parry

Leader of Strategy & Corporate Finance Practice in the UK, McKinsey

9:25 AM

CDR Buyer Perspective: Why CDR and Why Now?

Mischa Repmann, Ph.D.

Senior Sustainability Risk Manager, Swiss Re

9:45 AM

Panel Discussion "Achieving Net-Zero Targets: Best Practices from Real-World CDR Procurement"

moderated by Emily Jackson-Kessler

SVP of Sustainability at The Economist Group


Diego Justiniano

President, Exomad

Mischa Repmann

Senior Sustainability Risk Manager, Swiss Re

Philip Moss

Chairperson, NextGen CDR

As companies worldwide strive towards ambitious net-zero goals, understanding the essential role of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in corporate sustainability strategies becomes paramount. Featuring the early CDR buyers Swiss Re and NextGen CDR and the leading biochar carbon removal supplier Exomad Green, this panel provided practical examples to help you confidently navigate the voluntary carbon removal market (VCM) and meet your sustainability goals. This session offered a glimpse into real-world CDR procurement and shared best practices and lessons learned in navigating CDR purchasing.

10:25 AM

Panel Discussion "Investing in CDR with Confidence: The Key Role of Digital Trust Infrastructure"

moderated by Leila Toplic

Chief Communications & Trust Officer at Carbonfuture


Helen Bray

Vice President Policy,

Nasim Pour

Carbon Removals and Market Innovation Lead, World Economic Forum

Natalia Dorfman

CEO & Co-Founder, Kita

Businesses need to be able to trust that what they are purchasing is of the highest quality and reliability to protect and enhance their reputation, minimize financial risks, and confidently navigate the sustainability landscape. 

In carbon removal, trust is achieved through the combined efforts of organizations responsible for setting the rules (independent third-party standards), digital Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) systems tracking the carbon removal projects and providing data for third-party verification, those overseeing the process (independent verifiers and auditors), and mitigating risk (insurance, legal providers). Together, they represent a digital Trust Infrastructure for carbon markets. 

This discussion centered on the crucial role of digital trust infrastructure in building confidence in the integrity of carbon removal and enhancing efficiency in carbon removal processes. We explored how businesses can use this infrastructure to navigate the carbon market with confidence, turning their net-zero commitments into measurable and impactful climate outcomes.

11:05 AM


11:25 AM

Panel Discussion "Government as Catalyst: Strategic Financing Paths for Scaling Carbon Dioxide Removal"

moderated by Sebastian Manhart

Senior Policy Advisor at Carbonfuture


Andrea Klaric

Policy Officer for Carbon Removal, DG Climate Action, European Commission

Eli Mitchell-Larson

Co-founder and Chief Science & Advocacy Officer at Carbon Gap, and Associate at Oxford Net Zero

Achieving net-zero emissions and mitigating climate change demands substantial carbon dioxide removal (CDR) efforts. The IPCC estimates that by 2050, 5 to 10 gigatonnes of CDR annually will be necessary, equivalent to 5,000 times the current production of the oil and gas industry. While the voluntary carbon market (VCM) is growing, government financing will be paramount to funding the 10 Gt of carbon removal we need per year by 2050. In this session, panelists explored policy options to finance and scale CDR, recognizing the diverse needs of economies and geographies.

12:00 PM

CDR Innovation Showcase: Strategic Insights into Cutting-Edge Carbon Removal Solutions for Your Business

presented by Nikki Batchelor

Executive Director, XPRIZE Carbon Removal

Chloé Bigio

Head of Business Development, InPlanet

Duncan Kariuki

Product Lead, Octavia Carbon

Erik Rylander

Commercial Director, Stockholm Exergi

Eva van der Want

Head of Carbon Removals Business Development, Airfix

Jan Cihlar

VP Climate Finance, PYREG

Lisa Braune

Head of CDR, neustark

Tim Preisenhammer

VP of Carbon Markets, Eion

Tom Buchanan

Strategic Partnerships Manager, Climeworks

To accelerate progress toward our climate goals and effectively address growing climate risks, we need to rapidly innovate, implement, and scale up a diverse range of durable carbon removal technologies. In this session, we heard from nine leading companies that are shaping the carbon dioxide removal (CDR) industry, from Direct Air Capture (DAC) to Biochar Carbon Removal (BCR) and more. This showcase was more than a series of pitches—it was an opportunity to gain crucial insights into the latest CDR technologies, learn how these can align with your sustainability goals, and position yourself at the forefront of accelerating this crucial industry.

12:50 PM

Closing Remarks

Dominic Lüdin

Chief Growth Officer at Carbonfuture

1:00 – 2:30 PM

Networking Lunch & Innovation Exhibit

As a Strategic Partner to Reuters Events: Responsible Business Europe 2024 (RBEU 2024) Carbonfuture's Carbon Removal Summit 2024 served as a thematic continuation of RBEU 2024.

“Reuters Events is committed to advancing the discourse on sustainability. With sustainability now a company-wide imperative for many businesses, a strategic partnership with Carbonfuture allows us to highlight the critical role of carbon removal in corporate sustainability strategies. We believe this collaboration will drive impactful actions towards a more sustainable future and collective climate goals.”

Ed Long

Head of Sustainable Business at Reuters Events

"We're excited to host our second annual Carbon Removal Summit in London in partnership with Reuters Events. Investing in carbon removal is imperative for businesses committed to achieving net zero emissions. This strategic partnership will provide an important platform for businesses to learn about innovative carbon removal solutions, explore pathways for investing in carbon removal today, and gain insights into the key factors shaping the future of carbon removal."

Leila Toplic

Chief Communications and Trust Officer at Carbonfuture

This Event is Going Net-Zero

Committed to our vision of a net-zero future, we have pledged to make this a net-zero event. Following the Summit, we will diligently calculate the emissions generated, including those from guest travel, and compensate the event’s entire footprint using durable carbon removal credits from our trusted partners. Moreover, we’re prioritizing sustainability throughout the event by serving locally sourced, vegetarian cuisine and reducing waste. We encourage all attendees to join us in this commitment by choosing eco-friendly transportation options whenever feasible.

Carbon Pioneer Sponsor

“We are excited to contribute to the progress of the carbon removal industry by participating in Carbonfuture’s Carbon Removal Summit 2024.’s commitment to transparently certify only high-quality durable CDR aligns with Carbonfuture’s mission to build a digital Trust Infrastructure for durable carbon removal to accelerate the scaling of CDR.”

Antti Vihavainen

CEO of

CDR Innovator Sponsors

“Along carbon asset development, CO2 transport and CO2 storage advisory, Airfix channels carbon finance into the European Biomass Carbon Removal and Storage market. We offer a diverse portfolio of BiCRS/BECCS projects for long-term Carbon Removal Credits (CDRs) offtakes by corporates. At Carbonfuture’s Carbon Removal Summit in London, we are excited to introduce our inaugural UK-based project to local companies, in collaboration with our local partner.”

Eva van der Want

Head of Carbon Removals Business Development, Airfix

“Cutting emissions is crucial, but it is only part of the solution. We also need durable, high-quality carbon removal solutions to address unavoidable emissions as well as the weight of our historical carbon legacy. I'm excited to engage with innovators, policymakers, and pioneering businesses at the Carbonfuture Carbon Removal Summit, exploring how we can scale these essential solutions and drive the decisive action required to combat climate change.”

Tom Buchanan

Strategic Partnerships Manager, Climeworks

"Eion is proud to be a sponsor of Carbonfuture's Carbon Removal Summit in London. Carbon removal from pathways like enhanced rock weathering will be a vital piece of achieving net zero, so we're looking forward to helping companies explore how to unlock their sustainability commitments. There's a real opportunity for catalytic action across industries to scale up CDR technologies today to meet tomorrow's demand."

Tim Preisenhammer

VP of Carbon Markets, Eion

"InPlanet is thrilled to participate in this event, as it presents a vital platform to engage with industry leaders and stakeholders on the transformative potential of carbon removal technologies. Education is foundational to building trust in this emerging industry. I look forward to showcasing our ERW technology, and discussing how carbon removal is an essential component to any corporate sustainability strategy." 

Chloé Bigio

Head of Business Development, InPlanet

“Working for neustark allows me to contribute to a sustainable future by durably removing CO2 from the atmosphere. I’m joining the Carbonfuture Carbon Removal Summit, to help translate sustainability strategies into concrete action – together!”

Lisa Braune

Head of CDR, neustark

“I’m excited to participate in the Carbonfuture Carbon Removal Summit 2024 to showcase the exciting promise of Direct Air Capture (DAC) in Kenya, the role it can play in driving the costs of DAC down the cost curve, and the outsized impact it will have on East Africa.”

Duncan Kariuki

Product Lead, Octavia Carbon

“As pioneers in the field of engineered carbon removal through biochar, we greatly appreciate Carbonfuture’s Carbon Removal Summit 2024. It will be a milestone in building further confidence in the CDR market through a rigorous technical implementation of the MRV process, providing the highest possible and transparent quality standard to all buyers. We look forward to meeting industry experts and engaging in an intensive exchange of ideas.”

Jörg Dohna


“Carbonfuture’s Carbon Removal Summit provides an ideal platform for corporate buyers to meet with leading CDR developers. We’re excited to showcase our BECCS technology and engage with potential customers who look to acquire high-quality permanent removals to reach net-zero.“

Erik Rylander

Commercial Director, Stockholm Exergi CDR Program

“We are looking forward to participating in Carbonfuture’s Carbon Removal Summit 2024 to help drive the growth of this important industry. XPRIZE shares Carbonfuture’s commitment to advancing a robust and transparent carbon removal industry with a diversity of high-quality CDR companies around the world.”

Nikki Batchelor

Executive Director, XPRIZE Carbon Removal

2023 Summit: Carbon Removal Basel

The summit brought together top experts and innovators in the space to discuss how to accelerate and scale high quality carbon removal and join forces to combat climate change.

Visit Summit 2023 Page