Carbon Removal
You Can Trust.

Carbonfuture is your pathway to confident
and immediate climate action.

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Over 1.3 Mt

Carbon removal supply contracted as of December 2023

> 40 %

Market share for delivered durable carbon removals in 2023


Carbon removal

Carbonfuture is the world's leading provider of high-quality durable carbon removal credits.

With Carbonfuture, you can trust every carbon removal credit you purchase. Our data-driven digital infrastructure ensures integrity across the entire carbon removal journey.

Carbon Removal Supplier Services

Due Diligence

Carbon Removal Tracking

Third-Party Verification (Verification & Validation Body) and Certification (Standard)

Market Access

Partner Marketplaces & Channels

Carbonfuture Trust Infrastructure for Durable Carbon Removal

Upcoming Highlights

Carbonfuture Webinar

Scaling Carbon Removal with Confidence: The Key Role of Independent, Digital MRV

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Meet the Team

Join Carbonfuture at Climate Week New York

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What We Do

Bringing confidence to the carbon removal market through rigorous monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV).

With our digital infrastructure we connect the entire lifecycle of carbon removal, from the initial project support and due diligence to comprehensive digital tracking and independent third-party verification, ensuring the highest standards of quality and reliability of every carbon removal credit you purchase.

Get Started

Take Confident Climate Action Today

Meet your sustainability goals with a portfolio of high-quality durable carbon removal credits. All credits have gone through our rigorous due diligence process, are certified by established third-party standards, and have been validated by accredited third-party validators and auditors.

Unparalleled Quality

Carbon removal credits that meet the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Full Transparency

A comprehensive, data-driven view into every stage of the carbon removal journey.

Immediate Impact

Portfolios of carbon removal technologies ready to deliver immediate climate impact.

Advancing Integrity of Carbon Removal Through Rigorous Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV)


Carbonfuture and Swiss Re Enter into Landmark Multi-Year Agreement for Carbon Removal with Exomad Green as Key Supply Partner

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The 2024 Buyer's Guide to Carbon Removal Policy

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Carbonfuture and XPRIZE Join Forces to Advance the Scalability of Carbon Removal Innovation Through Rigorous Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification

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Leading Outsized Climate Action Today Because Our Planet Cannot Wait

At Carbonfuture, we are committed to scaling durable carbon removal by over 5,000 times to reach the required 10 Gt per year by 2050. We work with diverse carbon removal technologies to ensure we achieve this goal, while delivering immediate climate impact using technologies available today.

Biochar Carbon Removal

Carbonated Building Materials

Bioenergy Carbon Capture & Storage

Direct Air Carbon Capture & Storage

Enhanced Weathering

Ocean Carbon Removal

Carbon Removal Suppliers, maximize the impact of your carbon removal efforts today with Carbonfuture.

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We Work With Some of the World's Most Ambitious Climate Leaders

Latest Carbon Removal News and Insights